Multi Baker E-MAX
Popular replaceable plate types for multiple menu items.
Compared to the Multi Baker MAX, which allows for 34 menu items to be baked using a single electric baker with replaceable plates, the Multi Baker E-MAX is the same replaceable plate type, but with a limited number of menu items and a simplified analog control system, it is reasonably priced. The main body comes in 4 models. •Type A and Type B are available depending on the types of multiple replaceable plates used, and each comes in a single type (E-MAX-1A/E-MAX-1B) and a double type (E-MAX-2A/E-MAX-2B). Each model comes with one set of one type of plate. Additional plates are optional. See the previous page for a list of all types of plates. Please refer to the function/compatibility table on page 10 for compatibility between each plate and the main body.
[Power Requirements] 110V/220V
[Power consumption] 910W
[Dimensions] W255 x D455 x H195㎜
Either one plate is attached. Additional plate is optional.
Sticker Price (Yen)
Belgian Waffle, Waffle, Pan Cake, Croissant (Chelky), Hot Sandwich & Panini, Ice, Okonomiyaki & Taiyaki etc.
MAX-1, MAX-2, MSP-100-DX, MSP-200-DX, E-MAX-2B
*Tax is not included in a Sticker price.